Traditional Acupuncture is a medicinal practice that originated in China sometime around 100 B.C. It uses very thin needles inserted into the skin to correct imbalances in the "Qi" or energy flow in the body. It is used to treat physical illness.
Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is a form of Acupressure, which does not use needles. It is used to clear emotional blockages. It was developed based on the work of Dr. Roger Callahan.
Dr Callahan created TFT or Thought Field Therapy in the 1980's. He used ancient Meridian Energy body maps used in Acupuncture, to determine the correct points for a person to "tap" on their body with their finger to help themselves resolve an underlying issue they wished to be free from. TFT relies on specific "tapping" sequences, using a variety of Meridian points for each specific problem that is to be worked on.
This "tapping" technique was later adapted by his student Gary Craig in the early 1990's into EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is different in that it uses the same sequence of "tapping" points for every issue that is to be worked on.
© letyourspiritgrow.com 2012~2019
Healing Her Inner Child"Regarding your EFT- healing the inner child work, I can say that you made a sad and feeling ugly 6-year-old child a happy and smiling princess. Thank you very much for this excellent work."
~ J.R, Montreal, Canada |
Breaking Old Belief Patterns"After meeting Jade at a really fun party in which she was reading Tarot cards, I felt drawn to do deeper work with her. I had questions and I received help with EFT and Reiki. After one session of teaching me EFT and my doing it on a daily basis for 2 weeks, I had a remarkable and profound shift in a very deep ingrained old belief. Jade creates a safe, trusting environment in which to work on emotionally charged issues. I believe that her work will help you, whatever place you come to her from. I look forward to our future sessions and work together. Thanks."
~Janis. Montreal, Canada |
"I once had a client who was resistant from start of his first EFT session even though he sought me out! He rolled his eyes and made faces. He told me repeatedly just how silly he felt doing EFT. He told me how much he hated it. He even cursed about it in another language :) Through it all I insisted that he continue with the session. He agreed and in the end, he had several breakthroughs and left feeling great!
The moral of the story is this: Try it. if nothing else has worked for you and you don't know what to do next then you have nothing left to lose! If you really hate it and you don't think it has helped you, no one can force you to continue using EFT, but if you see results you will be happy that you tried. "
© letyourspiritgrow.com 2012~2024