What Is Intuitive Photo Reading?
Intuitive Photo Reading is the process of looking at a photograph and being able to see beyond the image. The photograph in question can be a modern digital image or an older style of photography. An Intuitive Photo Reading usually involves an image of a person, but photographs of animals, objects or places like a house can also be read.
How Does It Work?
When a photograph is given to someone who can read the energy of it, they pick up on the energy of what is being shown. If it is a person, the personality, characteristics and general nature of the individual in the image may be able to be read.
This process is possible because there are people who are naturally able to read, see, and/or feel energy easily. Every living thing emits a natural energy. Manufactured items emit an energy as well but it is different from the life energy of living creatures. When someone owns an object or lives in a space they leave traces of energy that can be read by some people. Some people may be able to receive a lot of information and even images in their mind, while others may only get "impressions" or a general "feel".
Dr Joseph Rodes Buchanan
Psychometry or "measuring of the soul" is the name given for the ability to "read" objects. Dr Joseph Rodes Buchanan who worked as a professor and Faculty Dean at the Eclectic Medical Institute in Kentucky, USA, coined the term in the 1840's.
Dr. Buchanan wrote a book called Psychometry: The Dawn of a New Civilization.
You can read a scanned copy of the original HERE
About Dr Buchanan
He married Anne Rowan in 1841 when he was a printer and teacher. He left those to attend medical school at the University of Louisville Medical College, and there he became interested in the study of the brain and Phrenology.
Phrenology involved measuring the brain looking for "bumps" which predicted certain mental traits based on their size and appearance. It was believed that certain areas of the brain had specific functions based on these bumps.
He believed in a mind, body, soul connection ( he called it Sarcognomy) at a time when this sort of thinking was frowned up. The link will take you to a scanned copy of his original work.
He became a speaker for those interested in Spiritualism, and through his medical work on the brain discovered that stimulation a certain part of the temporal lobe, allowed for people to experience spiritual experiences and often see visions of spirits. He called this the "Organ of Spirituality."
After he wife Anne died in 1876, he remarried in 1881 to a Clairvoyant by the name of Caroline H. Decker. In Boston, Massachusetts they founded the American College of Therapeutics. They later moved to California and reopened the school there. Dr. Buchanan was a prolific writer and speaker and continued to self publish his speeches, articles and books throughout his life. In 1882 he published Moral Education: It's Laws and Methods. He believed that education was the key to reduce crime, disease and the misery that many lived in. He wrote about how traditional education methods (church, government and colleges) were failing to "elevate the social condition of man." He was an early Feminist, who radically believed in the education of women, and support their admission to medical schools. He thought that women made excellent healers and physicians as they were more naturally suited to it. He also wanted medical education to be taught as part of the regular school curriculum.
Dr. Joseph Rodes Buchanan died on December 26, 1899. He was 85 years old. He is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery in
Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA.
© letyourspiritgrow.com 2012~2024
Citations for Research Information:
First Spiritual Temple : https://www.fst.org/buchanan.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/140290913/joseph-rodes-buchanan
Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/manualofpsychome00buchrich/page/n5 .
Dictionary Of Early American Philosophers. Edited by John R. Shook : Google Books
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Sarcognomy Image, book cover : public domain
Spirithistory.com: http://iapsop.com/spirithistory/index.html
© letyourspiritgrow.com 2012~2024
Reviews of Intuitive Photo Reading
Breaking An Artist's Rut"Jade is wonderfully, surprisingly talented. When doing readings for me she has tapped into something that resonated with me immediately, on an emotional level and an artistic level. I'm an artist and part of her readings have helped immensely in getting through a period of "artist's block" and realizing how to get myself back on track artistically, and keep from getting back into that rut. I feel like Jade has a true talent, a true gift. She was able to zero in on the couple of issues that needed attention and provide insight as to how to start healing. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone! "
~ Jenny B, Montreal, Canada |
Forgiving Herself"I got a tremendous sense of relief when Jade told me that my healing journey was still a work in progress. I have been putting so much pressure on myself to create a business and she reminded me to just focus on my healing for the time being. Also, Jade, thank you for reminding me that I need to love and accept myself just as I am now, where I am now. Blessings."
~ H.B, Montreal, Canada |
© letyourspiritgrow.com 2012~2024