Explore what past life regression is all about in this interesting post. There will be many occasions in life that you experience strange issues, from the physical to the emotional, that don’t appear to have any cause whatsoever. And while some therapists might find an underlying reason behind your issues, there could be an alternative causation - a past life, perhaps? While many medical professional poo-poos the idea of past lives the simple truth is that many specialist practitioners have given people help where they couldn’t find it before, and the strength and power to take on their problems with a full head of steam. So, if you are struggling to manage your personal issues, or are bemused as to why you are feeling this turmoil, maybe a past life regression could help? Here are a few pointers on how it might help, and what to expect. The process Your first step in the process is to thoroughly research hypnotists in your area and find a reputable therapist who has plenty of experience in performing past life regressions. According to Past Life Regression QHHT, there are also specialist therapists to choose from, who run quantum healing hypnosis technique sessions. Most regression practitioners will work with you to ensure you are happy and comfortable throughout the sessions and put a big focus on what you want to achieve and find out more about your issues. The priming Past life regression involves accessing your sixth sense. So part of the process in the initial stages will be all about stimulating your senses of taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell, which then helps you prime your imagination and increase your inner intuition. The hypnosis Once the practitioner starts to put you under hypnosis, you will feel very relaxed and have an opportunity to open your mind to things you might not have experienced before. It’s at this point of the regression process that you will start to experience thoughts and feelings appear in your mind, and the therapist will encourage you to dive a little deeper, bit by bit. The experience
People who have enjoyed successful past life regression sessions experience quite a broad range of different things, but there are some common threads. Many clients report feeling like they are traveling through time, and some might say they are experiencing all of their past lives instantly. It’s at this point where the skill of the therapist will be able to help you focus on each past life, and free up and release your memories so that they are clearer and make more sense than before. The results Many people have benefitted from past life regression, and have found that it can explain some of the ‘unknowns’ about their lives. Ultimately, it could lead to individuals making positive changes to their life, and become happier human beings as a result. While no one can say for sure if past life regression is a real thing or not, as a form of therapy many have experienced positive results. It’s a fun process, too, and whether you believe in the theory or not, most people would love to get to have an idea of who their former selves might have been in the past!
Calming the inner beast through human hands-on-healing The Gazette August 15, 2014 Got a dog that won’t stop barking? Or maybe a nervous, jumpy cat?
For $60 an hour, reiki master Jade will try to take away your pet’s worries. “Reiki can benefit animals by helping them feel more calm, relaxed and centered,” Jade says Reiki is a Japanese technique developed in the 1920s, although some reiki practitioners say it was created in ancient Tibet and rediscovered in the 20th century. The reiki master channels energy in the air around them, transferring it to a pet or person by placing their hands on the subject. The energy is believed to help heal the pet or person’s emotional problems and clear them of any energy blockages. “The same way it helps people, for pets it can be used for anything from helping a senior pet with illness or injury to calming a hyper puppy to helping a depressed pet cope with the loss of their companion, as is the case with bonded pets who lose their friend,” Jade says. © Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette Can you spot the Ostrich in your life? Continue reading to see if the description matches someone in your life. Fairly recently I had a somewhat shocking and dismaying phone call from a former client. I will call him George for the sake of anonymity.
Now George was a challenging client to start with. When he told me his situation I suggested that perhaps someone else would have the answers he desired, but he insisted on staying and having a session with me, so I did the best I could for him. I was generous with my time, giving him quite a bit of extra time after our session and further information that I thought would benefit him. At the time he acted happy and grateful and was receptive to what he was being told. So imagine my surprise when George called me up and informed me that his current life circumstances were my fault, and that because of it I owed George not only an explanation but also a free consultation for an unspecified amount of time! My first reaction was confusion as my brain tried to work out exactly HOW I was responsible for his life? As I tried to assist George further, he became irrational and angry. He made some pretty far out accusations and I felt my own temper rising as he simply was not willing to take any responsibility for his own life and the choices he had made. Every attempt I made at a rational, adult conversation was quite beyond his scope of abilities. He wanted someone to blame and I was it. After I finished that phone call with George I was left feeling a mix of emotions. I felt angry, frustrated, hurt and confused. After I had calmed down a bit, I felt something else for George, I felt sadness. Here was a man with so much potential, so much that he could have done with his life, so much that he could still do, and yet he did nothing. He was akin to an Ostrich sticking its head in a hole! What a waste! I’ve met a few people like George in my life as I am sure you have dear readers. What is important to remember when interacting with persons like this, is to determine for yourself at what point do you back away? Some people will continue to resist all good intentions and efforts no matter what, even when they say they want to change or want help. It’s up to you to decide at what point you say, enough is enough. Do not put your own emotional welfare and energy towards people that just want to be an Ostrich! Never Allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. ~ Mark Twain
Have you ever asked someone a question, and after they answered it, you were still just as confused as when you started? This round about method of communication is called Double Speak. Read on to learn more about it and how to spot it! If it is done with a malicious intent, it is considered Double Speak. If a person speaks this way this because they are lonely, socially awkward, absentminded or on medication for example, it is not considered to be coming from a malicious space and thus is not categorized as Double Speak. Why do some people talk like this? When a person speaks this way with a malicious intent in mind, it is because they are able to avoid a question entirely or simply answer a part of it, veiled in language that distracts and goes off topic at every opportunity. This can be done with great success to the point that the person who has asked the question has forgotten all about it, and become entirely caught up in the new topic of conversation! How do I know someone is speaking this way? The easiest way to spot a Double Speaker is to listen to them talk to you after having asked them a question. Do they get to the point? Has your question been answered in a timely manner, or are they giving you multiple examples and stories that only seem vaguely related to what you asked? For example: you ask the basic meaning behind a symbol they are wearing expecting a quick answer. What you get instead, is a 30 minute rambling detailing a personal story of how the symbol relates to them, the universe, and the social and political meanings of it, before they change the topic and ask you something totally unrelated. At no point has the person actually answered your question! This is a sure sign of a Double Speaker! Why is it important to be able to spot this type of speaker? This type of person is a master at manipulation. They are able to make people believe that they possess more knowledge than they do. They are able to put themselves in a position of power by doing this. When you are able to spot this speech pattern, it is like a light bulb going off. In the workplace, this Double Speaker shows a good game face, but behind the scenes they may be late with their work or trying to pass off mistakes onto others. Whether you are in a higher executive position or are a co-worker, being able to spot them allows you to clearly see the person for whom they are. You can quickly see their tricks and avoid them, or in the case of hiring management positions, decide if this person is suited for their current position or a new one. In your personal life, with your newfound ability to spot this Double Speaker, you can quickly categorize people and decide where they fit for you, whether it is in your dating life or with friends and family. Double Speakers within friends and family are apt to use Emotional Blackmail to further enhance their abilities. Using language as their weapon of choice, they are able to verbalize a reality in which they are being oppressed and hurt, and at the same time transform details and events as they actually occurred with their Double Speak, convincing people that they are in fact the innocent party and the victim. No one wants to be a victim of a Double Speaker and people who employ Double Speak have lots of practice being undetected, but if you learn to spot the signs of a Double Speaker, you can save yourself much heartache and pain and increase your clarity of thought. |