Three Coping strategies for anxiety are explored in this post which reminds us to take care of ourself too. The modern world we find ourselves living in has never been more stressful. With the advent of emerging technologies, social media, and a faster-paced working environment, it can be hard to find time for ourselves. You may constantly be thinking about that meeting you have to attend at work, the conference you need to organize and the performance management review that’s coming up. All the while you have a pal who’s going through a drama that you need to support, your kids are running riot, and all of your so-called ‘friends’ on social media seemingly live perfect, awe-inspiring lives. It’s time to give yourself a break and try and relinquish some of the anxious feelings that have been invading your headspace. Take a look at these strategies that can help keep anxiety at bay. Take Time Out For You. And Only You It can be all too easy to think that having some winding down time involves taking the kids to the beach or going out for a meal with your partner. While these are great activities to partake in, you also need to find some spare time, even if it is ten minutes a day, solely for you. Head out for a walk on your own, read another chapter of the latest novel you’ve been reading, or watch an episode of your favorite show on TV. While it may seem insignificant, chilling out on your own can allow you to switch off from everything going on around you and allow you to escape into a more positive frame of mind. Instead of cogitating over the impending visit from your in-laws, think about your next family vacation. Find What Works For You Some people find that anxiety can manifest in physical ways. You may find yourself suffering from heart palpitations, tension headaches, tingly hands and feet or digestive issues. You could try an alternative remedy such as acupuncture, hemp supplements like those available at or even reiki massage. Relieving anxiety symptoms is as bespoke and as personalized as the condition itself. What works for a friend may not work for you so pay attention to your body and explore all the options available to you. Get Physical
The easiest way to relieve anxiety symptoms is to do something to take your mind off the intrusive thoughts that can manifest as anxiety. By doing something physical like the exercise ideas explored at, you are giving your mind something else to focus on that may involve a challenge. If you used to jog but haven’t done for a few years, strap on your running shoes and get training for a 5k park run. If you’ve always fancied having a go at rock climbing, now is your chance. By joining a club, you’ll meet like-minded individuals and find that your motivation to succeed in your new hobby far outweighs the burden of your anxiety. Anxiety isn’t simply feeling a tad nervous - it can be a debilitating condition that negatively impacts on all aspects of your life. Follow these strategies in an attempt to banish anxiety for good.
How do you keep the spark of your spiritual journey alive when you have run out of energy? Learn 3 tips that can help you keep your spiritual spark alive. Lately I have been in a spiritual slump. I’ve been sick since the beginning of winter with an ongoing sinus issue that has now gone straight to my lungs. My child and husband have both been sick recently too. It’s pretty hard to find the energy to do anything spiritual, when I am so exhausted and stressed about my and my family’s health. Also, it’s supposed to snow again today. It’s the middle of March, and as I dream of spring flowers and warmer weather mother nature is not done sending bitter winds and drifts of snow. How do you find that spark to keep going in times like this? Do Something That Makes You Happy At times like this, I enjoy listening to relaxation music. It helps to take me to another place that doesn’t have winter weather and stress. Sometimes that is all that you can do. Find something small that keeps you going. Listen to music that you love, read a favorite book, find an image of your goal and put it where you will see it, or find something cheerful to decorate your home. Find something inspirational that keeps you going. Be Kind To Yourself Being a spiritual person doesn’t mean that you have all the answers. It doesn’t mean that you do not fail. It doesn’t mean that you are perfect or without faults. Spirituality is a journey. We are all a work in progress, including myself. Some days the journey is difficult, and the struggle is all too real. If you do not have the energy to learn, grow and move forward, what should you do? Take a break. For however long you need to rest. It is okay to just stop for a while. It is okay to give yourself permission to heal and recuperate. That “to do” list needs to be tucked away for another day. Let Go Of The Guilt We live in a world where we often make ourselves feel guilty for not doing something all the time. If we are not moving all the time, working, cleaning, organizing, emailing, texting or on the phone, then we are somehow not productive, and lazy. Give yourself permission to let go of the guilt because sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself, is to take a break. Be lazy, it's ok. Take time for yourself, forgive yourself, and just breathe. Learn how to incorporate a 5 minute meditation into any part of your day to improve your spiritual health. Do you know that you can meditate in 5 minutes? It's true. When many people think of meditation, they usually imagine it as a difficult and complex process which requires a blank mind, a totally quiet space and some ethereal music playing. Others imagine a retreat in a stunning natural setting with exquisite meals and enlightened teachers. Anyone could find peace and enlightenment in that setting couldn’t they? It's experience that not many of us ever have the opportunity to experience. Parents are familiar with an early morning “Mommy/Daddy wake up!” If this is your crack of dawn wakeup call, It's pretty hard to feel peaceful. It's not exactly the tranquil sounds of nature is it? What if your day starts with an early morning gym session before you go to work where you barely have time to eat lunch? What if you work night shifts, and your day starts when everyone else seems to be finishing? Welcome to the reality of modern spirituality. Peaceful moments are few and far between. How can a person possibly hope to work on themselves if they barely have a break? Take 5 Minutes A Day For Yourself Whenever and wherever it can happen, take five minutes to do something for yourself. The thought of taking time for yourself is a difficult concept to many people. Many people feel that they have to "do it all", but doing it all for everyone else, leaves precious little time for the most important person of all~ you. Do Something You Love Do what you love for a full five minutes. Read, dance, sing, or make a cup of something your enjoy drinking and have it while it's still hot! For those five glorious minutes you are going to be only thinking about your needs. Breathe deeply and enjoy. Engage all of your senses as you do. Notice the smell and taste of your drink, or the sensation of your body moving as your dance. Listen to the sound of the music filling you room, or enjoy the crisp feel of the pages of your book. Let go of guilt during this time. What you are doing is contributing to your positive mental health, which in turn feeds your soul. When you allow yourself to be fully and completely in the moment, without interruption, you connect with yourself again. Welcome to five minute meditation! Didn’t it feel great? The point of taking five minutes for yourself is a baby step towards being able to connect with yourself and find the inner peace you need to keep going with the daily slog, because let's be real, some days are a real challenge! Fully enjoy your five minutes and then continue on with your day. When you need to, you can then tap into those good feelings that you allowed yourself to feel. Creating a feeling of positive energy is a big step towards mind-body-spirit healing and a great beginning step in any spiritual journey. |