This is a contributed post. Why is it that life is so difficult sometimes? It can feel like we are being tested, it just one crisis after another! We can easily get stuck in our negative emotions, and this can cause us to act in a negative way. But should we just accept it and do nothing? Or, is there a way that we can improve our situation? Read on to find out. EFT EFT or Emotional Freedom Therapy is a way of dealing with an emotional block in our lives. For many people, emotional issues or trauma hold them back from making the progress that they deserve. This is because trauma creates patterns in the way we react to things. Meaning if something is difficult for us, anything that reminds us of that can trigger that feeling off and will cause issues for us as well. EFT is designed to remove these emotional blocks gently. It is based on the acupuncture pressure points of ancient Chinese medicine. EFT is performed by applying a gentle tapping motion to these points. While you do this, you bring the difficult thoughts or emotions to mind. Through tapping on the acupressure points, it gives your body a chance to clear the associated feelings. This then returns your emotional system back into balance. LOA The Law Of Attraction or LOA is the idea that you attract what you are rather than what you want. It’s based on the idea that everything is energy. So the type of energy that you give off is the type of energy that you received back. For example, if you are full of negative energy you will attract negative things. But if you are full of gratitude, peace, and happiness you will attract good things. Some people think that the Law Of Attraction does not work, but other are wowed by the effect that it has had in their lives. For example, one person that was worried about money started to kiss their household bills as they arrived. They also said thank you for the services and products that they were paying for, which reminded them that they were lucky that they had these things. So instead of creating a negative energy around their finances they created one of gratitude and abundance. They believed that this then attracted like for like and so the universe was able to provide more money and wealth for them. Meditation Mediation is another way that we can deal with how our emotions affect our life. We know that if we are angry or anxious going into a situation, it's more likely that we will act out in term of theses exemptions. That can cause a self-fulfilling prophecy. Meaning the thing we were worried about is more likely to come to pass, due to our actions.
Meditation is a way of watching our thoughts and emotions that allow us to put some distance between them. It defuses them so you can think or feel something, but you are no longer a slave to acting on it. Instead, you can choose a more constructive way of acting in any given situation, which in turn can have a positive effect on the way a situation turns out.
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