3 tips for how to have a happy dog are explored in this fun post. Getting a new dog is something to be celebrated. You’re giving a beautiful animal a roof over its head and a warm home but you’re also doing something for the family by adding a brand new member to the fray. Of course, bringing up a happy dog isn’t all about throwing toys and watching your pet gleefully bring them back to you with a smile on its face. Being playful, attentive, and loving are all important aspects of keeping your dog happy, and there’s no doubt about that, but you also have to think about the practical and boring ways in which you can make that happen. You need to walk, feed, and train your brand new pet, especially if you adopted them as a practically newborn puppy. Here are some tips on bringing up a happy dog in a happy household. Get them used to the household. Getting a new dog isn’t just a daunting experience for the owner but for the dog itself. You need to be prepared for the fact that they’re probably going to be very nervous in their new environment with people that they’re still getting used to. You’re going to need to train them to get used to their new surroundings and to ensure they treat the place like home. It’s all about drawing lines and boundaries in your household. Maybe your dog isn’t a newborn puppy and they’ve had some training before, but every home is different and they’re still going to be confused by their new surroundings. You need to get all the boring things out of the way first. Potty train your dog from day one, or you’ll be cleaning rugs, carpets, couches, and your bedsheets very often. You also need to train your dog to sit and obey other commands for practical reasons too; after long and muddy walks, you’ll want your dog to sit patiently outside whilst your hose them down. There’s nothing worse than a muddy dog running through the house and creating several hours worth of cleaning for you to do. The most important aspect of this training process, however, is that you need to give your puppy or dog treats as a reward for their hard work. You can click for more info if you want to see some options for high quality dog treats. The point is that there needs to be positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior from your dog. Keep them safe. Think about safety from day one. Your dog wants to explore the world, but dogs don’t always have the best sense of direction, despite their otherwise exemplary instincts. You should really think about putting an identification tag in his collar or even a microchip to help locate them. Either way, have a backup plan in case he or she gets lost because dogs are prone to go wandering and only realize how far away they are from home once it’s too late. Exercise.
The best way to go out and have fun with your dog is to exercise. Not only will you be looking after your own health but the health of your dog. You’ll be hitting two birds with one stone by showing love and attention to your dog through a fun activity and getting them out of the house to keep active, healthy, and happy. It’s so important for dogs to not only get out there and stretch their legs but to have a fun interaction with humans or even other dogs if you head to the park.
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